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Become Less Noisy and More Quietly Creative and Intelligent

Your most valuable business relationships need less noise from you and more quiet brilliant creation.

A seed grows with no sound, but a tree falls with a huge noise!

A seed grows with no sound, but a tree falls with a huge noise! Destruction has noise, but creation is quiet. This is the power of silence. Grow silently.

Have you noticed a trend over the past few years where we're all contributing to the noise? “I've accomplished this, I've joined that, we met up with the team, we had a party, we struck this partnership, and it'll be huge, I won this award, I'm going to this event, etc.”

And yet, you meet incredibly brilliant creators who don't feel they need to create all that noise. They create quietly, add value precisely, and, in the process, grow silently.

Maybe 2024 is less about noise and more about quiet creativity, growth, and brilliance. Maybe 2024 is about fewer, deeper, more meaningful, and impactful relationships - at every level of our individual, small team, and large enterprise efforts - than the mass spray and pray many have been embracing the last few years.

That's one of the reasons we offer our Learning Expeditions - Fly Fishing. On that river, you can't be noisy and succeed. On that river, you read your surroundings, discretely present a fly, and focus on creating. On that river, you disengage to get re-energized, refocus, and restart - as many times as necessary. On and off that river, it's all about personal and professional growth.

Maybe, just maybe, 2024 is all about growing silently - within ourselves and with a few strategic relationships who consistently demonstrate a vested interest in our success.

#GrowSilently #personaldevelopment #leadershipdevelopment #personalgrowth #teambuilding #teamdevelopment #developmentopportunities #growthmindset #growthtogether

Relationship Economics, Curve Benders, and Co-Create by David Nour

David Nour is the author of 12 books translated into eight languages, including best-sellers Relationship Economics®, Co-Create, and Curve Benders. He regularly speaks at corporate meetings, industry association conferences, and academic forums on the intentional, quantifiable, and strategic value of business relationships.
Learn more at NourGroup.com/About.


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