Relationship Insights Newsletter | June 2024

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Will They Take My Call? Assessing Relationship Value Beyond the Screen

Do you value deep, meaningful relationships over numbers?

Avnir - CRM has forgotten the R

How much do we really know about our professional connections? New data tells us that, on sites like LinkedIn, even though we may gather over 500 connections, less than 15% of these connections are actually engaging.

This begs the question, are we truly using our networks to their full potential, or are we simply collecting names?

If my experiences have shown me anything, it’s that the real power of professional networking and relationship value isn't found in the volume of connections but in the strength, depth, and relevance of those relationships.


Lagging Indicators vs. Leading Drivers

Understanding the fundamental differences is crucial for effective decision-making and forecasting.

Lagging indicators reflect past actions’ outcomes, providing a clear but delayed picture of performance, such as quarterly revenue or customer satisfaction scores. In contrast, leading drivers predict future performance and offer proactive insights, helping to shape decisions before results are finalized. Examples include customer engagement, customer health index, and touch cadence, which can indicate future trends.

By distinguishing between these two, businesses can not only evaluate their past successes but also strategically steer their future direction.


Schneider Electric Strategy Visualization

Nour Group Client Spotlight on Schneider Electric

If you’ve ever sat through a death-by PowerPoint session, you’ve experienced heavy reliance on an extensive number of slides overstuffed with pontificating text, complex data, and a multi-prong approach to proving just how smart the presenter may be. These presentations often fail to engage their audience, leading to disinterest or further confusion due to overwhelming information and lack of visual appeal.

The answer? Visual Storytelling - a compelling approach to present strategic initiatives using a combination of custom images, narratives, guide ramps, and animations to tell a memorable story while conveying information in a highly engaging manner.

That’s what Schneider Electric and hundreds of other Nour Group clients have done with Strategy Visualization.


Nour Coaching Tip: Never Speak Ill Of Others

Full disclosure - the culture that I come from prides itself on gossip! Oh my Lord, how I recall all types of family and friend gatherings where the moms, in particular, would gather and discuss, "Did you hear?!" I've never cared for gossip or others who speak badly of someone else.

So, I do my best and often coach others to never speak ill of someone else! A) You never know who knows who, and there is a good chance what you said will get back to them with attribution to you! B) What good does it really do, and c) if you have a problem with someone, engage them directly and work it out. Even if someone has done me wrong and I'm really mad about it, feel that anger and then let it go. Staying angry at someone or holding onto a grudge is the equivalent of you eating poison and expecting someone else to die.

Join the conversation in the forum on how best to shut down a gossip session or hear someone speaking badly of another.



Reading the Waters: Leadership Growth Through the Lens of Fly Fishing

Jenn Cordz, Nour Group partner and US Women’s Fly Fishing Team member teaches the basic overhead cast to start the day.

If you’re willing to be bad at something, it will activate your growth mindset.

The Nour Group introduces a groundbreaking approach to leadership development and sustained transformation with its Learning Expeditions, utilizing the unlikely but powerful metaphor of fly fishing. In a world still grappling with the aftermath of the pandemic, leaders are compelled to evolve rapidly to remain relevant.

Our unique Learning Expedition: Fly Fishing program offers a hands-on, immersive experience that pushes participants out of their comfort zones. It fosters a growth mindset by encouraging them to embrace being novices again.

This innovative method not only elevates personal and professional growth but also strengthens the core competencies needed to navigate the complexities of the post-pandemic landscape. Join us for an adventure from now to next, where being willing to be bad at something is the first step towards extraordinary leadership and change.

Sample Clients We’ve Helped

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