Twenty Behaviors – The Unrecognizable You!

Marshall Goldsmith is the number one executive coach in the world. He’s also a mentor and a friend and has certified many of us in the MG100 Global Coaches program on his Stakeholder-Centered Coaching methodology.

I’ve read his best-selling book, What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, three times, and I keep returning to chapter four of The Twenty Habits. The corporate world is filled with executives, men and women who have worked hard for years to reach the upper levels of management. They’re intelligent, skilled, and even charismatic. But only a handful of them will ever reach the pinnacle — and as Marshall shares in this book, subtle nuances make all the difference. Beginning on page 35, he shares a list of specific behaviors, if not interpersonal patterns (flaws), that create challenges and roadblocks in our interactions with others.

In our current climate, where digital relationships are critical to our ability to navigate the crisis and plan our post-crisis recovery, this is a list you’ll want to print and keep in front of you. In addition, I’ve found glancing through this list before- and after- every online interaction to be particularly useful. So, I’ve added one or two lines about the current crisis to each as well.

Jump in and share what ONE behavior you need to work on most in 2023. I’ll go first – mine is Passing Judgement.


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